Oct 09, 2007 13:13
i had to write a sonnet minus the rhyme scheme for my creative writing class.
i kinda just threw it together at the last second, but the more i read it over and over and over again,
the more i really like the way it sounds.
Bottled Truth
Honestly withheld from protection out
of fear comes easy on your lips when you
know not what you are speaking of, or when
you remember not of the next day. Re-
jection seems that of a myth to simple
minds of simple hearts. Adoration is
no longer hidden behind your eyes, though
thier focus has lingered greatly. Oh, so-
ber girl, your feet fall light on sullen steps.
Why have you wandered here? Boundaries do
sink when smiles seem in retrospect not
so sad or scared: the depressant's comfort.
When frightening insecurities have
been so quickly drank away til morning.