
Nov 22, 2005 20:07

1. Do you like chinese food? not for the most part but sometimes i get in the mood

2. How big is your bed? a twin one with a big fluffy feather bed

3. Is your room clean? generally speaking

4. Laptop or desktop computer? my lappytoppy

5. Favorite comedian? Dane Cook, Lewis Black & Margaret Cho

6. Do you smoke? cigarettes? no pot? once in a while

7. Does anyone like you? yes.

8. What's the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice? I suppose her name. She seems pretty asexual to me.

9. Would you rather receive amazing oral sex or have amazing sex? amazing sex...i like to share

10. Sleep with or without clothes on? with unless it's hottish

11. Who sleeps with you every night? my stuffed lizard Carolina

12. Do long distance relationships work? not for me they don't

13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? twice

14. Pancakes or French toast? chocolate chip pancakes

15. Do you like coffee? but i do use it in dire circumstances

16. How do you like your eggs? scrambled w/ melted cheese on them

17. Do you believe in astrology? not really but it's fun to look at sometimes

18. Last person you talked to on the phone? my daddy

19. Last person on your missed call list? Bradley

20. What was the last text message you received? Hey. Watsup?

21. Mcdonalds or Burger King? Burger King

22. Number of pillows? 2

23. Last thing you ate? chocolate lasagna from olive garden

24. Last thing you bought? avenue q tickets

25. What are you hearing right now? cars in the parking lot outside

26. Pick a lyric, any lyric or song? "I'm kinda pretty and pretty damn smart. I like romantic things like music and art and as you know, I have a gigantic heart so why don't I have a boyfriend? Fuck! It sucks to be me."

27. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB&J sandwich? the invisible kind

28. Can you play pool? not well

29. Do you know how to swim? yes

30. Favorite ice cream? B&J's Phish Food

31. Do you like maps? can I read them? yes.

32. Tell me a random fact: "The human head weighs eight pounds"

33. Ever play spin the bottle? yes

34. Ever attend a themed party? yes

35. Whats the last thing you had to drink thats alcoholic? haha a mix of apple vodka, raspberry vodka, cran-apple juice and white grape juice

36. Craziest place you've slept after a night of drinking? a friend's pool table

37. What is your favorite season? fall

38. What is the first music video you ever saw? no clue. probably madonna or something.

39. Pick a movie quote: "I fart in your general direction"

40. Favorite quote: "you must be the change you wish to see in the world"

41. What is your favorite Thirsty Thursday hangout? Room 400-tehe

42. Best friend's name? Jackie, Kira, TJ, Stever, RaMina

43. How long have you known them? i've met them all within the last six months or so

44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? class today when my professor was doing voices to imitate the ppl in a play

45. What time did you wake up this morning? 8 freaking AM

46. Wake up next to anyone? no one animate

47. Best thing about winter? hot chocolate and traying

48. Name a couple of favorite colors: pink and pink

49. How old are you? 20

50. What month is your birthday in? october

51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? captain jack sparrow is my love

52. Favorite Dave Matthews Band song (if you have one)? i don't listen to them enough to have a favorite

53. What are you doing this weekend? sleeping, doing laundry, seeing the fam for turkey day and starting my education term paper

54. Who will take this survey? likely no one.
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