I did something...something drastic....what's to become of me.

Dec 19, 2007 23:23

I'm not sure what has possessed me to do this...Today I went into work just like any other day. I get news that my associate ID is locked out. I found out why too. Apparently I missed those silly meetings in the morning if you didn't meet your performance goals. So as it turns out, I was going to be allowed to work under min wage and NO COMMISSION until my break. Then after my break I will then be unlocked...to be honest with ya. I perceived this to be rather unfair. I wasn't the only one affected too. So, my mind blatantly rambled through many thoughts of the dire consequences.

For nearly half an hour or more, I was there standing and everyone else continued to work like the drones they have been conditioned to be. It was maddening. I was ready to absolutely lose it. My blood boiled a bit but then I'm suddenly locked down by my sense of reality. I wanted to throw a tantrum but something held me back.

I placed my badge at the podium and said to one of my supervisors "I'll be here on Friday to pick up my check. It was nice working with ya. Goodbye". I didn't even look them in the eye. I didn't say "Have a happy holiday". Nothing. I just walked out.

I drove home, thinking...ok you have gone and done it. Now what are you going to do?! "Are you satisfied now?!" I ask myself. My emotions were so mixed. I wanted to cry but no tears came. I was abandoned by all emotions. I was just left with nothing but confusion. Confusion that just took hold of me and shackled me to apathy.

I spoke with my roommates about my situation. They were understanding. They knew I was having a hard time with Fry's and their stupid policies. They can help me out but only for so long...I have to find a new source of income.

So far my only means of a chance of a new source of income could be more student loans and federal grants...I hate applying for those but if that's what I need to do then I will. Another alternative is wait until the holidays mows itself over and then strike for a job opportunity that opens up. -.-

I'm not sure if I did do the right thing...but my sanity wasn't going to hold up any longer.

One step at a time is best advice at this moment. To say the least, I'm glad I left Fry's but I only wished I didn't had to resort to this method.

In other news, I had really bad tooth ache a few weeks ago. It turned out to be a severe infection underneath the gum and the tooth became a plug...So there was no choice but to remove the tooth to get to the infected tissue. I went to the dentist today and had the procedure done. My mouth is a little sore but the pain is bearable.

I also checked my grades for the semester. I passed all my classes! Woot! I just now need to figure out how I'm going to pay for my classes next spring, find out if I can finally graduate and make ends meet.

I say a prayer. I pray that to all those whom I know and cherish, may your holidays be filled with a happiness warmer than the dessert sun.
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