Jan 04, 2008 23:05
I had a good Christmas, even though it really didn't feel like the "Christmas season." I had a lot of fun and I was sad to see it come to an end. My parents got me way too much stuff. I got a digital picture frame that I have no idea where to put it...I don't want to keep it in my room because nobody will see it and I don't have room to put it in the living room, I thought about bringing it to work but then I'd have to delete some "not work appropriate" pictures (they're pictures from my birthday where me and a few others are drinking) and I'd have to find an outlit there and take it home every night because the maintaince crew are famous for stealing. I do want to put it somewhere because I love it...I'm sure I'll figure something out. I got a laptop which I love, but we don't have wireless internet so I've just been writing and playing games etc with it. It sure will come in hady once school is back in session. The family time was fun. So no white Christmas but a few weeks before Christmas we (family) played in the snow and went sledding...I'm like a little kid when it comes to playing in the snow lol, I have so much fun and love it (snow on the ground doesn't bother me, but not on the roads do).
Work has been stressful, my supervisor is becoming unbearable again. He got his end of the year evaluation and his boss had told him the attitude needed to change towards his employees and he couldn't get mad so easily, and he took her advice for a whole 12 hours and now it's back to the same old ways, mean and only cares about himself. I miss Jamie (my old supervisor). Jamie did my end of the year evaluation and he gave me an awesome review and I'm so very thankful...that means almost likely to get a raise, so excited, I could use more money.
Rick and I spent about 3 hours rearranging the living room today, I'm not that pleased but it needed a change. Cindy loves it, so I guess all is good. They put up pictures this evening of their wedding and engagement, it's cute but almost too much. We have a ver small living room so Rick and I tried moving furniture to make it look more roomy but with all the pictures and coffee tables it almost looks more cluttered, but really I have no say in it, afterall it's not my house and I really do just "stay" here, I pretty much own nothing in this house and it almost makes me sad...I feel like an entruder or something...I dunno I'll get used to every thing.
Tomorrow night I'm have a mini class reunion and honestly I'm not looking forward to it. I saw my high school friend Nicki around our birthdays and it was really awkward and now a few more people are coming that I haven't seen in nearly 4 years, it's going to be weird, but I'll make the best of it, afterall it's my fault that they are coming out. An old friend (we didnt like each other in grade school, got along ok in high school, then got along really well when we briefly worked with each other) she has been telling me for a while now that it's been too long and we need to hang out and talk, so I've invited her a few times to go somewhere and she was always too busy, so she brought it up again not too long ago and my cousin Kurt's band is playing at a bar and I gave her a pity invite thinking she wouldn't want to go and she said she want to and so I didn't want jsut her and I to go so I invited a few other people...so it is my fault but I'm nervous because high school was such a long time ago and nobody is the same, I hope I have fun.