Drabble: Best Laid Plans

Jul 21, 2009 00:43

Title: Best Laid Plans
Fandom: Women's Murder Club
Pairing: Jill/Denise
Rating: PG13
Words: 111
Summary: Jill's day doesn't turn out quite as planned.
Disclaimer: They're not mine I'm just borrowing them for my own amusement.
A/N: Unbetad so feel free to point out any mistakes :)

Today was not supposed to end this way. When I woke up I had a plan. A damn good plan!

Step 1: win the Harris case.

Step 2: celebratory drinks with the girls.

Step 3: end the day getting sweaty with some cute guy.

I was not supposed to come back here.

I was not supposed to seek you out.

I was not supposed to push you roughly against your door, crushing our lips together.

And you!

You were not supposed to pull me closer.

You were not supposed to make me feel.

Today was not supposed to end this way...

women's murder club, fiction

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