Fic: It should be weird

Feb 02, 2011 12:36

Title: It should be weird
Author: Libmix
Rating: U
Fandom: Women's Murder Club
Pairing: Denise/Jill
Disclaimer: They're not mine, I'm just borrowing them for a little while.
Beta: yellowsmurf6 
Summary: The only weird thing is how un-weird things are.

AN: I decided to try the Alphabet Meme and this is for the letter W.
AN2: Belated Happy Birthday to doesnt_go_away  who provided the prompt :)


Your skin begins to tingle at the sound of distinctive footsteps echoing down the corridor. For years it was from fear of what would happen if those footsteps stopped outside your door.

It's funny how things change.

It should be weird, the tingling sensations no longer attributed to fear, but rather anticipation, flowing through your veins at the sound of heels echoing off the walls.

it should be weird, the genuine smile that appears as the footsteps slow the closer they get.

It should be weird, the smile reflected back at you from the dark head that appears around the door frame.

It should be weird, the way your heart skips when being told you're going to a function tonight... as your boss's date.

It should be weird, but weirdly, you find you no longer care.

women's murder club, fiction

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