Over the last few weeks a lot has happened. I do not think I can emphasize enough just how much things have changed for me in my life at Dayton.
Today I put in my one week notice at UD Teleconnect. Last week I interviewed for a manager position at THE BLEND, an on-campus coffee shop that is part of Flyer Enterprises, the completely student-run company here at UD. They offered me a barista position and told me that I would be a great candidate for manager this spring. This a great opportunity! There are positions in Flyer Enterprises like CEO, CFO, COO…just like a normal firm. Visit www.sba.udayton.edu/flyerenterprises/ to see just what it is!
GOP Club:
Last Friday, I volunteered to help GOP HQ in Dayton with phone banking. It turned out that I was the only person to give up my Friday afternoon to do so, besides Julie Corvo, President of Republican Club here at UD. We ended up stuffing flyers instead, but it was a great opportunity to get to know Julie. We talked through the entire three hours and it went by incredibly fast.
At the end, she asked me if I was planning on running for an office position in the club, and I told her I had thought about it. She then proceeded to name me one of the 5 most active members and said that I should definitely run for something. Needless to say I had a HUGE smile on my face for the rest of the night. I am really considering running for president/vice-president of the club. It would be a great way to start networking for later and it would be a BLAST!
Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC):
This past weekend has been amazing as far as CCC is concerned. Last night I went to a movie with the guys. Napoleon Dynamite was terrible by the way. It had its moments, but they were few and far between. Definitely not worth $7. Afterwards, we went back to the Crusade house, only to find that the girls had covered all of the windows with window paint and had used two cans of whip cream on the porch. While a couple of guys sought revenge, I played poker with a few others. It was just an all around great evening.
Mike Trinity, the leader of CCC at UD, came up to me after bible study on Wednesday and asked me to do follow-ups with a guy in Marycrest who accepted Christ last Tuesday. How awesome is that?
Needless to say it has been a great weekend. God is definitely starting to put me where He wants me at UD. I knew He would, and that I just needed to be patient. You see, God sometimes puts up the red light when there are things in the way of the path He wants you to take with Him. Once He clears the way, He will take your hand again and you can continue on your journey with Him. I think this is something we often forget.
It is usually in these times we struggle with what God wants from us and start second guessing Him and ourselves.
So the moral of the story is you will know where you are to go and what you are supposed to do when it is time for you to know. Until then, keep living life with a smile on your face and ask Him for patience. If He brings you to it, He’ll bring you through it…in His time.