Apr 20, 2005 03:13
I figured I'd make a list of things I like. They aren't in order or anything. Enjoy!
Things I Like
Music.(Instead of listing a million bands/artists I'll just likst my five favourite bands in order..and leave it at that.)
Scarlet, Fear Before The March Of Flames, Adema, The Number Twelve Looks Like You and Poison The Well.
Playing Bass.
Waking up early.
Being up late.
Being with my friends.
Ground Soy.
Ice Blue Lemonade Kool-aid.
Gauged ears.
Make-up that's worn for decrative purposes instead of vanity. (More common in guys than girls.)
Going to sleep because I'm tired, instead of because of being bored.
Bands with long names.
Listening to new music.
Politically aware bands.
Vegan bands.
Atheist bands.
The fuckin' Falcons (Featuring the greatest QB out; Mike Vick, and the greatest WR out; Peerless Price. Recognize.)
Playing Basketball.
Some Tv (Cheers, Futurama, Roseanne, Family Guy, Fresh Prince of Bel Air.)
Adam, Sebastian and Davy for being the people I smoke weed with. (Rob once in a while..but not as often as we'd like.)
Bean sandwiches.
Potatoe sandwiches.
The colour Green.
Melon Ball wine.
Walking while listening to a cd player.
Riding in a car while listening to a cd player.
Holding hands.
Having sex.
Camel cigarettes.
Smoking a cigarette while I'm high.
Swinging while I'm high.
Watching movies in the dark with large amounts of people.
Creative art. I'd rather see something amazingly creative than something done perfectly..but terribly typical.
The smell of skunks.
The smell of gas.
The smell of burnt matches.
The smell of freshly cut grass.
Going to concerts.
The word Ghastly.
The letters A, S, W, Y, D, J, X, Z, V, L, N and G.
Video games (Mortal Kombat, Halo 2, Castlevania: SOTN, Metal Gear Solid 2, DDR, any of the Madden Football games and any Mario Party.)
Rappers with deep voices.
Fast rappers.
Scary movies.
Funny movies.