[ Rules for All ]
- Do not God Mod!
- Please play fair and be nice to all.
- If you have a problem with someone or anything contact the mods first!
- If you have a question please check the
FAQ page first before asking.
- Do not be afraid to ask for help if you’re new, but mistakes will be tolerated only so many times after being corrected. Ie: Posting in wrong areas, replying OOC on an IC post, etc.
[ Rules for Applying ]
- Character limit is one Fanon and two Canon for now.
- Age limit for applying is 14 years of age due to mature themes.
- No Mary-sue’s or Gary-stu’s for Fanon characters.
- Gender Bends, Chibis/Child, older version of your characters are allowed only if you've been accepted for a HS/Teacher version of that character.
[ Rules for Journal Posting ]
- Post at least once a week!
- If you go on a hiatus please post something in your journal or contact the mods about it!
- Stay IC at all times.
- OOC posts are allowed and encouraged on roleplay journals.
- Journal posting can be of the following: Email, Text Message, or Journal.
- If posting an email or text message interactive post be sure to include warnings if themes become mature and who is or isn’t allowed to comment on it.
- Please keep all images behind a livejournal cut.
- Please keep all meme/quizes behind a livejournal cut as well.
[ Rules for Community Posts and Logs ]
- Again, stay IC at all times!
- Please use the following format for posting logs/events to the community:
Who:What:When:Where:Warnings:- Be sure to tag your entries on the main communities (characters, open/closed, etc.)
- Be sure to place all ‘Mature’ themed entries behind a friends-lock and to warn about it.
- This RPG is mainly paragraph/3rd person roleplaying, but allows first person roleplaying. If you do any OOC/First Person logs please note it with a tag and in the main post.
- Most logs should be between your teacher/student character and other teacher/student characters, but you can do logs where the characters are younger or the opposite sex for fun. Be sure to note these and keep their plot separate from the original plot line when posting journal entries.