Title: Wicked: The non Oz version
Fandom: Criminal Minds/The Inside/Untraceable/Gossip Girl/Final Destination
Pairings: Jennifer Jareau with Elle Greenaway/Emily Prentiss/Jennifer Marsh/Clear Rivers/Blair Waldorf/Rebecca Locke and a few original characters
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters from Criminal Minds, Gossip Girl,
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Re: Elle, I have to be honest and say I don't think she would've submitted to the situation quite so easily, particularly given her past with sex crimes (and idk if you were taking into account the bit in her casting side about her being raped and the assailant never caught... this was never addressed in the show, so I don't expect it to be in fic). I'm assuming you're not including that bit too b/c it would change the tone of the scene entirely, and I didn't get the impression that was what you were going for. Aaaanyway, I'm not going to complain, b/c at this point I'll take any characterization that isn't the usual evil/psycho bitch.
And ftr I'm as stumped over that fanon portrayal as you are over passive JJ, because I see nothing in canon to support that conclusion (or the other commonly held fanon perception of Elle as mentally/emotionally unstable). Yeah, she had issues, but she knew damn well what she was doing throughout her final arc and was perfectly in control of her mental faculties. My friend summed it up best by saying it was her attempt to regain the sense of control that was lost when she was attacked in The Fisher King. And in many fanon portrayals Elle always seems to hate all her colleagues or to want to stick it to them or something, and I have no bloody clue WTF that came from, b/c her motivations in S2 were entirely about her, not them. It's obvious the stuff she was saying to Hotch was a projection of her own insecurities and not some kind of anger or aggression at the team. I can only assume these fangirls are so goddamn stupid they take everything at face value, which makes me wonder WTF they're doing watching a show like CM that assumes some level of intellectual sophistication in its audience. (Assuming, of course, that they've actually watched the show at all, which is looking less likely given the evidence we're finding).
... and I just totally ranted all over your LJ, and I apologize. I just have a lot of feelings.
Concerning Elle's fanon portrayals, I think the explanation you gave in the past is the most likely one. In which authors don't care about Elle. She is the least favourite main character in the overall fandom after all. Who only gets brought into stories for the purpose of being the rival or dangerous psycho. Of course she gets written so we hate her and don't accidentally root for the "wrong" pairing. Ironically as far as you and me are concerned Cat, our two favourite characters mistreatment made us want to root for them more.
Maybe I should consult you the next time I write Elle again, who is slated to be in one of my Time After Time stories. I'll even watch S1, early S2 of the show again to try and capture her character better.
No need to apologize Cat. I welcome your comments and rants as much as you welcome mine. By the way have you finished this story or do you still have part 6 left?
Ironically as far as you and me are concerned Cat, our two favourite characters mistreatment made us want to root for them more.
I'd be lying if I didn't say this wasn't at least partially true. I always loved Elle, but when I went into fandom and saw that what little attention she gets is usually negative, it made me stan her even harder. And even though I absolutely adore Hotch, I don't feel the need to stan him as hard because he already gets so much love in the fandom, not to mention from the writers. While rewatching the series along with a couple friends who are watching it for the first time, I was complaining about the Hotch draught in the second half of S5 and then I felt bad about it, because as my friend rightly pointed out he gets so much more screentime than the ladies, and JJ fans have to put up with this sort of thing through the entire run of the series. But unlike the rest of fandom who only seems to care that their favorite pretty boy gets lots of screentime, I recognize how problematic this is and if I had to sacrifice Hotch screentime for more of the ladies, then I'm all for it.
I would be glad to answer any questions you have about Elle, since I know I put far too much thought into her characterization, lol. Not sure I'm the best one to ask since I'm such a fan and probably biased, but as far as recalling minute canonical details and such, I definitely can do that. Some of the best Elle episodes for characterization, IMO, would be "Plain Sight," "Broken Mirror," "Unfinished Business," "Machismo," "Charm and Harm," both parts of "The Fisher King," "Aftermath" and "The Boogeyman" (the latter also has that great scene when JJ tells Morgan and Reid the fake story of why she's afraid of the woods). I'm still bitter that "Derailed" got, well, derailed by them making the episode all about effing Reid. BITTER. /rant
Oh, forgot to mention part 6: I did indeed read it, and i actually started watching the Inside b/c of this story, lol (well, that, and I imdb'd the series and found out Adam Baldwin was in it along with Lafayette from True Blood, so between them and Rachel Nichols, sign me up!) I've only seen the pilot so far but it strikes me as very CM-ish, but darker, what I figured the failoff was probably going for and failed at miserably. The spinoff (at least in "The Fight") seems to be a screaming example of "Darkness: Ur doing it wrong" whereas TI is "Darkness: Ur doing it right."
I'm not particularly familiar with all of the characters in this story--aside from CM I only know Clear and Blair, and they both came off very consistently with their canon counterparts. I don't know Rebecca well enough yet to comment on that, but I did enjoy the chapter.
Well I'll be holding you to this since the story with the villains, don't want to say too much, but the bad guys will be leaving a trail of broken and bloodied bodies.
Thanks for the recommendations, and you can bet I'll be contacting you when I write Elle again.
Not sure I'm the best one to ask since I'm such a fan and probably biased,
That's a good thing here since you'll know things about Elle I might have missed.
I'm still bitter that "Derailed" got, well, derailed by them making the episode all about effing Reid. BITTER. /rant
Here's hoping I'll be able to give both JJ and Elle some proper treatment in Time After Time. They badly deserve it.
Oh, forgot to mention part 6: I did indeed read it, and i actually started watching the Inside b/c of this story, lol
That's flattering to know. Maybe I could get you interested in other shows/movies once Time After Time comes out. Let me know if you need help finding episodes.
(well, that, and I imdb'd the series and found out Adam Baldwin was in it along with Lafayette from True Blood, so between them and Rachel Nichols, sign me up!)
LOL! If you did read part 6, but didn't know about the Inside, I was planning on telling you that Danny Love is Adam Baldwin. Cause I'm aware you know who Adam Baldwin is. Now you know why Danny Love makes Derek Morgan look like a sissy. Bigger, badder, totes a M60 machine gun (in Full Metal Jacket), can beat Illyria to a bloody pulp (oddly enough Amy Acker was Rachel Nichols former best friend on Alias) and can make people cooperate by merely looking at them. Morgan ain't got nothing on Danny Love.
You summed it up perfectly when comparing The Inside to the failoff. The Inside is what the failoff was trying to be, but failed miserably. However I still have use for the spinoff cast in my story *cough*punching bags*cough*. If Forest Whitaker thinks Mick is the best sniper he's seen, just wait till they come across the machine gun sniper on the villains team. Hope you enjoy the rest of the Inside.
Good to hear about Blair since I'm planning a future story starring her, Serena and a few companions where they end up in the universe of DC comics. Yup you heard that right, and don't worry it will make some since how this is possible. Also if you're curious, yes they will have superpowers.
Take it you didn't watch Untraceable? Don't worry about, the only thing established about Diane Lane's love life is that she's a single mother and the father is dead. Who knows what all those years of living in a house with 3 generations of Marsh women caused to manifested inside her. Glad you liked the story and thanks for reading.
You aren't going to kill Hotch are you? *whimpers* I can handle him being ignored but I just have a lot of feelings when it comes to him suffering... my poor heart could barely deal with "100" D:
However I still have use for the spinoff cast in my story *cough*punching bags*cough*
Heh, I'm not a big fan of character bashing via fic, but the spinoff is impossible to take seriously, so really, there's no one to blame but those who created it. :p
I had not seen Untraceable, but Diane Lane's hot so I'd be interested in watching it sometime. Wooo, more procrastination material!
I hope my story won't be too much heartbreak for you. However just because they're bloodied and broken, doesn't mean they're dead.
Heh, I'm not a big fan of character bashing via fic, but the spinoff is impossible to take seriously, so really, there's no one to blame but those who created it. :p
Well this character bashing is different from others. Most character bashing has the characters being written in a way that you utterly hate them a la whats his name. Here though it's a case of me going "Hmm, the villains will be plowing through a lot of people, so who can we bring in for the sole purpose of getting beat up by them? Wait isn't the spinoff team is suppose to be among the best? Forest Whitaker is like a legend or something? Ah they'll be perfect." The only one who I actually have any intent on "exploring" their character is Mick. He'll be a parody of himself and oddly enough the spinoff gave me some good material to use.
Untraceable is pretty simple, but has a good tone to it. You might like it.
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