Oct 12, 2006 13:02
today, i discovered why tags can be invaluable, after i searched through three months (maybe four) worth of posts to find the story of how craig and i met - for those of you interested - it's oct. 22nd, i think the second or third post for the day. i am cute girl, he is cute boy, silver_fireboy is my ex, and heather is my friend i was talking to. lol
moving along, i still intend for today to be productive, even though it's one o'clock, and i'm still in bed. i was able to eat, and i've answered every single e-mail, cleared out every single box on every single board that i am on, and have managed to call my contact at the staffing agency, my mom, the lady i'm babysitting for, and i've talked to craig three times. the second half of my day is going to be packing up the bathroom (what i can, anyway), meeting my mom at storage to look for my birth certificate so i don't have to contact county, going to a meeting at the reception hall, and finally babysitting. i'll need gas because i'm running low. forunately, it's 2.13 a gallon. what is it where you live?
okay, so i'm going to get to it. i'm going to get dressed, get to the post office to handle the cards, and be a productive girl! yay.
the. end.
btw, there's nothing worse than trying to get a regular schedule for birth control - being as how that's actually going to matter in 24 days, i need to be in the habit of taking it so that i don't get prego. so, what's everyone else's view on birth control? let's keep it civil... :P
to do lists,
birth control,