(no subject)

Jun 21, 2010 20:42

I got a job at the Post Office in town.  It pays decent and even though I'm only contracted 16 hours I can pick up all the shifts I want since I guess everyone is lazy or has too many parental responsibilities to go to work.  I probably won't end up with more than 25 hours a week though, which is pleasant.  I don't like work.

There isn't much mail handling involved.  It's more like a place where people pay bills and take out welfare money... in that respect it reminds me more of working at a grocery store again than anything else (since every place I worked did a lot of that).

I have to walk every day which is fine, but christ is it humid lately.  Before I even get to work I am a sweaty stinky mess.  I try to dress nicely but there is only so much I can do, you know?

I am still struggling to grow my hair out.  it is at an awkward length right now and just touches my shoulders, so it swarms all over my neck like an animal and I can't put it behind my shoulders since it just comes back.  UGH it is a nightmare in the heat.

I bought a new hair straightener/curler on the internet and when it comes in I'll review it.  From what I've seen on youtube it is amazing.  Will really help give me the whole "beachy" waves I've been struggling to achieve with the limited tools I have (had to leave all my shit behind when I moved).

Now only if my hair will grow out!!!!!!!!
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