But i fucking hate the mentality of the people of your country. Last week we had some crackhead throwing his children off a bridge, one of the children being 4 months old.(see story here
Now we have some nutter who kills herself and her niece and nephew by walking in front of traffic. They werent even her kids!? (
http://www.theage.com.au/news/world/murdersuicide-by-walking-into-traffic/2008/01/19/1200620256694.html I dont understand, can someone please justify to my why this keeps happening in this country? What is it about america that makes people think like this? For 16 yr olds to go out and buy guns and shoot up their school? For people to kill their children? For people to justify every action they do because its in the costitution?
I hope this sub prime.. thing.. cripples America. I know it will effect the whole world but maybe that what we need. America needs to implode.
It just makes me really sad in my heart to see these things happening... What is wrong with this country?