I try to be nice to people aka homo sapiens. But usually the ones you are nice to or show gratitude to ending up Dick! Cock smooches. And relationships...You hurt the ones you love, but it goes both ways..."Chuck Palahniuk" I do my best to be a good person. I'll help someone if they need it. But no one helps you when it's your turn. Aka Two faced or self centered. They are allot of them kinds of people. I have two words for them types "FUCK YOU It seems no matter how hard you try it's never seems good enough. But if your doing all you can do you're doing your best. I just don't understand why the world has to be so damn cruel/unfair. The government, sure have a weird way of looking at things. I mean you can get a shot for hepatitis, hoe bout a shot for aids? I mean I think they could help. Or it is their way of keeping us from over population? Hell if I know. They have issues indeed. I just wish the world would let loose of it's gravity just long enough to let the dumb fucks fall off. But no no no this world is going to keep rotating. "Figures" And I can't stand a liar. And their favorite lie to tell is "I never lie" I just don't get people sometimes. But Not all of them are bad. I have met a few cool people. I just hate those types I wrote about above. If we were all the same. That would well umm suck ass.