I recently got into a
conversation with
gunslnger in which we had different oppinions about whether a person can lose, or even contract away rights. Currently, legally the answer is yes, but I wanted to find out what all of your opinions were on the matter, and if possible I'd like to know what the official line of the LP party is
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Is it ok if AT&T taps your phone and records your conversations as long as you know they're doing it?
Is the current surveilance/neighborhood warnings about sex offenders justified?
No, violation of due process and significantly undermines the entire concept of justice.
Should people convicted of felonies, especialy violent felonies, lose the right to bear arms?No. As the law stands right now I would say doubly no, with the federal government's war on liberty accelerating every day removing weapons from those convicted of felonies will just ensure that the people who ( ... )
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Social darwinism is awsome that way.
If all contracts are sacrosanct and therefore must be reviewed by legal counsel before one could safely agree to them to ensure nothing harmful was in them (or required a person to have the equivalent education of a lawyer to reasonably protect themselves) then how can society exist?
The transaction costs on even the simplest of transactions would exceed the value of the goods and services which exchanged hands by at least an order of magnitude.
A universal assumption that anything written into a contract is valid and enforcable is the death knell of all commerce because no one would ever dare to buy or sell anything and where they did dare they could not afford it.
You yourself have talked about how a "loser pays" system will reduce groundless lawsuits, even though there are still problems with such a system.
The idea of probation is that it adds to the rehabilitative aspects of prison but that is not what the justice system is about, justice is about spanking you when you do wrong.
That is also not true. The justice system is about both, and the balance between the two shifts back and forth over time. We are currently coming back towards more rehabilitation from the last swing towards more punishment.
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