Jun 03, 2009 22:47

Women. I'm beginning to think they just aren't worth the trouble.

That, and I have really, really rotten luck.



I really wish, on some level, Verg- No. That would be bad. And I doubt the City would thank us for the property damage.

Anyway, whatever. I'm off to the Underground to try and make some cash. And see what real estate looks like price-wise. I think it's time to open for business. I'm tired of playing footsie with the idea of working in a bar or a pizza place or...Those kinds of jobs I suck at. Besides, I feel all weird without my shop.

I still need clothes (more than one set, if we're gonna be honest here) and a jacket. And gun oil. At this rate, E and I are gonna seize next time I fire them and...Well, let's just say that would suck.

the pizza is a lie, there is no porn :(, fuck lady, a devil's cry in the night, children of the corn, lady is crazy, all work and no play...

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