(no subject)

Jul 02, 2006 15:24

allright im updating just for the hell of it.

i just added wireless internet to my house, so i am a god. sort of. i had to talk over the phone with a lady for an hour, and am not sure what transpired exactly but it gave me the feeling of being a sidekick, if not exactly a superhero.

anyways, i guess its alot harder to be a computer geek than i originally anticipated, i thought it just involved wearing those flash drives as a necklace (don't have one yet) and using acronyms even when they make things more complicated (i do this all the time regardless.)

you may be asking, "mark, why would you want to become a "computer geek?"

Well, starting this fall i will be working as a STAR (it's an acronym for something, I'm gonna guess "Student Technology And Roosters")but that basically means I will be like Jimmy Fallon on that skit on SNL when he was a computer help guy. by that i mean, i will be a computer help guy. It will basically be paying for ummm, extra supplies of staples, or something really usefull like that.

I think it's pretty apparent that my mind is even worse during the summer than in the school year. I learned in humanities once that most student's IQ drops 1-3 points during the summer, because they do nothing expand it (like memorizing state capitols or girl's breast sizes). So, i've been trying to read non fiction books alot lately, along with The Da Vinci Code, and Angels and Demons.

My Reviews:

Angels and Demons: Terrible Writing, Great Story, Not enough Boobs.

The Da Vinvi Code: Mediocre Writing, Grrrreat Story, Not enough Boobs.

Non Fiction Book #1: Boring and Depressing like real life.

Non Fiction Book #2: See above

Will having Wireless Internet give me brain cancer or something? I feel like it should at least mess around with my dreams or something.

speaking of dreams, i had one last night. I was on a guys roof, crashed through the windows, and stabbed a guy in the neck. than i ran away from his wife into the woods, which strangely resembled Mount Quinnipiac. Yes I know it's not actually called mount quinnipiac but what the hell.

ok well i hope that stretched my brains out. peace out for now

p.s. has anyone played blitz the league? I was advized to purchase it, which i may for this upcoming school year I(cause i'm not busy enough... SIKE)
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