Jan 19, 2006 15:18
So i just got back from the trip, better than I thought it was going to be. Eli seemed to not mind as much as I expected. I like his friends, very chill, definately not tough guy jocks (although as Eli said, what else would you expect from trackies?).
Although now i'm a little lonely, cause as Davey said, it's the last time i'm gonna see him till like may. He was my guy here during the week these past two weeks especially, so i mean i got to see him a ton, but now ill go back to not seeing him for a long long time.
That being said, maybe it's a good way to get me foccused on seeing my Q-gang again. I miss everyone, and maybe i'll make even more friends, although I doubt it cause I don't talk during classes, and i've basically met everyone in my hall, except for maybe two kids who are moving in I think.
Hopefully I won't do as bad in classes as I am worried about, i guess I;ll just have to learn to be really really good at math.
To top it all off, i've never felt closer to sasha ever, and it's gonna be really hard leaving her. The only reason i'm not freaking out is cause hopefully I'll get to see her in two weeks (unless my roomies protest).
I'm not sure what else to talk about, so this is it for now.