At Lucia's

May 26, 2005 13:24

Well I'm at Lucia's right now (we skipped the afternoon) and I'm a lil bit annoyed cause we went to Derek's school and couldn't find him or any of his friends *cries*. We did see Derek's brother however lol, gave me and lucia (when we were with Charlotte) an odd look lol. Glad we did find Charlotte tho. Me and Lucia both love her so much! Yay Charlie! Charlotte is the best and we were so happy that she was with us cause we kept getting lost lol. Then there was this Stuart guy who put his arm around me and told me that he would take off his pants for me for free, lol i was quite intrigued. So then me and Lucia just waked back to her house and complained bout our parents lol. Stephanie just called my cell while she was at school (said she was going to the bathroom that sneaky girl ;) lol) and she warned me that Mrs Voogt is going to call home tomoro morning, so i hafta get there early and have my brother wirte me another note so i dont get in trouble. *sigh such aggravation* lol Well me and Lucia are going to go now, we didn't get anymore flowers to burn, unfortunately we didn't have time. Lots of love xoxoxoxooxoxox
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