With permission of
(picture of Cupid face down, with arrow in back)
Happy Wednesday to all my friends. May your Wednesday be happy and mirthful for no other reason than it is a glorious normal, average Wednesday. Yay.
I'm not particularly bitter myself, but I post this out of an empathic obligation to all those who are more affected by VD. The holiday is commercialism run rampant.
I liken it to a day in which the affluent are celebrated, and they all trade expensive gifts with one another to express how happy they are with their wealth and that each of them are wealthy. And then this activity is flaunted in front of the less fortunate, the meek and the poor! And they are saddened.
I have no problem with people being in love, or loving each other, or going through the motions of love. But, much like the PDA, it is private business and doesn't need public endorsement. Okay, maybe this post was only 75% devil's advocacy :3