So I'm sitting here at work, and my coworker starts telling me about how to make
a million dollars starting at age 20, when she decides it'd just be easier to IM me the URL.
Her: "What's your AIM."
Me: "Oh, okay. Um, I'll give you the one I'm using here at work. It's...long and latin."
Her: *starts laughing*
Me: "Here, I'll write it down."
Me: *starts scribbling*
Me: *gets it*
Her: *still laughing*
Me: "No! Wait, no, my screen name is in latin, and it's long, I'm writing it down, see?"
Her: "Oh!"
All: *laugh; awkward situation averted; /embarassment*
On another note, I should, one day, have some screen names that aren't long and in latin.