(NOTE: I tried posting this item to the
liberal community, but it was rejected without explanation, though, as usual, it meets all
guidelines for posting to that supposedly "open" community)
When Republican governor and possible John McCain Vice Presidential running mate Bobby Jindal came out in favor of teaching "Intelligent Design" in Louisiana's science classrooms on CBS's "Face The Nation" last Sunday, it reminded me of John McCain's similar nonsensical position on teaching "Intelligent Design" which I criticize using clips from recent interviews with biologist Kenneth Miller in my 4 minute 42 second YouTube video at:
McCain, Republicans Want Welfare for Anti-Evolutionists? If you're interested in the sources I used for my video...
You can see Gov. Bobby Jindal's full appearance on CBS's "Face the Nation" from which I took a short clip for my video at
Gov. Bobby Jindal on Face The Nation You can see the entire May 3, 2007, GOP presidential candidate debate on MSNBC from which I took a short clip for my video at
May 2007 GOP Republican Debate on MSNBC You can see the full June 16, 2008, episode of Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report" from which I took 2 short clips of the Kenneth Miller interview for my video at
June 16 Colbert Report You can hear the entire June 13, 2008, interview of Kenneth Miller on NPR's "Talk of the Nation" from which I took a short clip for my video at
NPR interview of Kenneth Miller And, you can see the expert witness statement that Kenneth Miller submitted in the ACLU's successful case against the teaching of "Intelligent Design" in Pennsylvania's public school science classes, Kitzmiller v Dover, at
Kenneth Miller expert witness statement in Kitzmiller v Dover Finally, as always, I appreciate all feedback :-)