
Apr 06, 2008 16:05

The past week or so has been quite excellent for me, I must say, Journal. A good lot of things have been going swimmingly for me. I would have to say it really got going good on Wednesday...

In the morning Brian and I got up to make a journey down to Detroit for a physical he had to get for his ROTC Marines scholarship for UofM. We ate a splendid lunch at "Small Plates" in downtown Detroit, a restaurant which was apparently created/opened by someone that went to the Tech Center in Bad Axe in High School. After Brian got done with all his physical mumbo we took a ride on The People Mover, ate in the RenCen, and then drove to Mike Oliver's house. As soon as we got there we smoked down on a blunt. The three of us then drove to Mike O's friends, picked him up, went to someone else's house where the friend picked up 2 grams of purple haze, and went back to the friend's house (his name, I now recollect, is Jordan). At Jordan's we smoked about 5 or 6 bowls of the purple haze, which made us very much blitzed. Eventually we dropped Mike O back off and headed to Albe's Bikes for me to buy: 1 pair o' shoes, a pair of riding gloves, and a pair of grips for Steve's bike. Somehow we made it home after that.

On Thursday I made the trip over to the Mount with Joe, Jarvo, and Becca. You can read Jarvo's entry for details on most of that trip, Journal. The only thing he didn't include because he wasn't involved was my trip to Flint on Friday with Potato Extravaganza Nick. We drove all the way down to Flint to meet up with the advertising guy for Banana 101.5 in order to cement our deal with Banana for the Extravaganza. I fronted the $500 and signed the paper. Needless to say, I'm fucking pumped for those radio ads.

In other news, I ended up getting pretty stoned on both Thursday and Friday night whilst in the Mount. On Thursday, while red-eyed, I decided to buy an HDTV. I had been thinking about this for quite some time now and figured what the Hell, ya know? So, Paul and I went to Wally's World, then to Meijer's, and back to Wally's. I ended up throwing down about $250 for a 15" HDTV. However! It is also doubling as a new monitor for my parents' desktop computer because I can only play games online in the computer room since we don't have Wi-Fi and I have to plug straight into the PS3. So, this set-up works REALLY nice!

I pretty much bought the thing with my latest freebie site cash-out of $300 on one site, which I received yesterday (Saturday) in PayPal account. Last Tuesday I was able to place my custom Amazon.com order of $85 on another site, which got me an iTrip for my iPod and a copy of GTA IV (they pre-ordered it for me). And to my surprise! earlier I found that a site I have been waiting to be approved on for a month or more was finally approved. I placed my custom order for $200 and should get that relatively soon.

Still, I am beginning to dip down in my checking/savings' money. A job is needed. I've been applying to pretty much all jobs that have been acceptable for me in the paper (i.e., the ones that I am qualified for and within a reasonable distance). I'm pretty sure I will AT LEAST be able to work at the Resort in HB again this summer. I mean, if they hired me last year with my long-hair and mustache, surely they will hire me this year (not like I was a bad worker last summer; never missed a day).

The weather has been ace, to boot!

Peace and Love, ya'll. I'm out to watch some Michael Clayton.

Oh yeah! I finally looked into making a custom credit card on Capital One with their "Card Lab" since I have a Capital One Visa. If my image is approved (I made sure to blur out any product names and such), then this is what my new card will look like:

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