Jan 27, 2006 16:03
Wow. My month of traveling is over.
I have to accept that 2 of my best friends are leaving.
I have to accept that I'm going back to school.
I have to accept that its half over.
As horrible as it sounds, I really think I'm just gonna ditch my indian friends this semester. I'm so depressed about the semester sxchange students leaving, and I hate to say it but well...we're never gonna see each other again after this. I'm not going to fly out to nepal on my weekends off. There's just this horrible feeling that I'm going to be so lonely for the end---I have never dreaded anything as much as tonights train.
I seriously have no idea where I'm going. Next year, college, life. I'm trying to spend my junior year in Thailand. Theres no point in denying it, the longer I stay away, the farther apart I become from my friends back home. And I cant stand that thought. But at the same time, I am inexplicably terrified of staying in one place too long.
I wonder how I'd look with dreadlocks.