(no subject)

Jan 24, 2005 21:49

From Atrios: Council of Conservative Citizens: "The No Longer Silent Majority"? Dude, when have conservatives EVER been silent about ANYTHING?!?

Whatever. I can't imagine too many conservatives are actually supporting this kind of vile hate speech. Still, if they get to throw loud & ugly hissy fits for every Fuckthesouth.com type site, then I get to roll my eyes and foam at the mouth over their hate sites too. Ha!

There's an AP story telling me Senate Democrats Ready Anti-War Speeches. That's cool & all, but what exactly are they hoping to accomplish by doing so? ::sigh:: Still, Barbara Boxer (CA) and Sen Byrd (WVA) are speaking, so that's always a rockin' fun time.

Also... Torture Still Routine in Iraqi Jails, Report Says. Quote:
Prisoners have been beaten with cables and hosepipes, and suffered electric shocks to their earlobes and genitals, the U.S.-based group Human Rights Watch said. Some have been starved of food and water and crammed into standing-room only cells.

"The people of Iraq were promised something better than this after the government of Saddam Hussein fell," said Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of the group's Middle East and North Africa division.

just_eunice has a great post talking about this:
What boggles my mind is that this is not only not a majority held opinion...but that the overwhelming response in the long term seems to be a half hearted shrug.

That's it, dude. NO ONE FUCKING CARES. Okay, I know people care. Inside, they care. Or at least, you guys here care. But no one is acting like it. I want to scream sometimes... why don't people care? an issue like gay marriage, everyone on LJ will link to it, and make a thousand icons, and kick their heels up... but then, there's so many other things, no one even bothers to mention. It's such an impotent feeling of helplessness. I want to shake everyone around me, like, DUDES! PEOPLE! Wake up, start caring!

I know, this is my standard reaction to everything, and I bring out the gay marriage argument like mid-90's stand up comics brought up OJ Simpson. It's a tired argument that's been beaten into the ground.

But hey, this blog isn't called "liberalhappyfuntime". It's called liberalrage for a reason, right?

Now I have to go watch South Park before my head explodes.

rants, conservative fuckheads, red states

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