Headlines & Fund Raising/Shameless Begging

Jan 10, 2008 16:50

++ Richardson dropping presidential bid. I'm glad he's not trying to drag this process out. I really like him - often when I take those "who's your candidate" quizzes he's high up there.

++ Kerry is endorsing Obama. That has to sting for Edwards.

++ This administration really want to stir shit up with Iran, doesn't it? More from BBC.

++ Huckabee wants Stephen Colbert for VP. Dammit, Mike, don't make me like you. You're a crazy right wing fundie.

++ Once again, it's the economy.

++ India unveils world's cheapest car. Awww, it's so wee!

++ Bernanke says US economy outlook has worsened.

++ Gas prices hurting the economy.

++ Big Pharma front group launches anonymous blog to publish an 'enemies list'.

++ Blackwater gassed US soldiers.

++ Clinton's message, and moment, won the day.

++ I love Jon Stewart. Like, more than usual.

++ Wow. Just, wow.. How did I miss this? Thanks to thisficklemob for alerting me.

And now, I hate to do this, but I'm kind of desperate.

For those who don't read my personal LJ, I just found out that my financial aid got cut because I was sick in November and had to take an incomplete in one of my classes. I'm trying to raise enough money to take one class this semester. If you enjoy my political blogging, please consider donating $5 or so to my school fund. I would really, really appreciate it. Thank you.

admin, headlines

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