Notes & Headlines

Jan 09, 2008 11:10

Just a quick admin note regarding this comment: Yes, I am a Hillary supporter. Yes, I think I deserved to have a moment where I could squee over her win in New Hampshire last night. BUT, more than I am a Hillary fan, I AM A DEMOCRAT, and I will support (and post about) whomever the nominee turns out to be.

If anyone has a problem with me posting favorably about Hillary Clinton, they are free to stop reading this blog. The "leave community" button isn't hard to find.

Also, please note: this community is NOT all pro-Hillary - when I did a "Who Are You Supporting" post a couple months ago most people chose Edwards, Obama, Kucinich, etc. If you read liberal blogs - especially the big community ones like Daily Kos - you might also notice that Hillary supporters are in the solid minority. So I think the few Hillary supporters on liberalrage tend to be more vocal & comment on my Hillary posts here - it's like, we have to stick together, ya know?

Regardless, I want to reiterate that no matter who the nominee turns out to be, I WILL SUPPORT THEM 100% and post favorably about them. Rest assured.

I can has headlines?

New Hampshire stuff:

++ From Markos: Memo to the anti-Clinton brigades.

++ AmericaBlog: Sexism and Hillary's tear.

++ WaPo: Clinton & McCain rebound to take New Hampshire.

++ NYT: Clinton upsets Obama; McCain wins.

++ BBC: Primary comebacks ignite US race.

++ Hillary lives to see another day.

++ Women return to Hillary.

++ Analysis: GOP race gets more scrambled.

++ A dramatic second act for the senator from Arizona.


++ Powerful Nevada union endorses Obama.

++ America's health care system sucks.

++ Wow, Giuliani. WOW.

++ Ron Paul is a racist conspiracy nut.

++ Diebold parody ads.

hillary clinton, elections:2008, admin, new hampshire, headlines

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