Drive-By Headlines

Oct 23, 2007 10:55

I'm dashing off to my next class, but I wanted to post a couple links before I left.

++ Raging fires force thousands more from California homes.

++ In San Diego, echoes of the 2003 disaster.

++ Obama criticizes Hillary on Iran.

++ Eugene Robinson wants to know what you think of Stephen Colbert running for president: What's your take on this stunt: Transparent ploy to boost his show's ratings and sell more books? Or, transparent ploy to boost his show's ratings and sell more books, but with redeeming social value? HEE.

++ The Howard Dean-ing of John Edwars.

++ Bush's request for wars increases to $196 billion. *blinks*

++ Environmental laws waived to press work on border fence.

Virginia politics:

++ The dividing line on illegal immigration between incumbant Democrat Gerald Connolly and challenger Gary Baise. Raising Kaine has more.

++ Tom Davis (R-VA) expected not to run for Senate. If that means Jim Gilmore is the only challenger, Mark Warner is going to win this race by a landslide.

++ Random: I met my supervisor, Cathy Hudgins (D-Hunter Mill), who is running for re-election, at the Metro park & ride today. She seems really nice; I'm glad she doesn't have any significant challengers and that WaPo endorsed her.

california, virginia, elections:2007, headlines

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