Early Morning Headlines

Oct 18, 2007 06:21

It's way too early for me to be awake, but since I'm up, have some linkages.

++ Massachusettes governor to endorse Obama.

++ Obama was on the Tonight Show last night. Favorite bit:
“Hillary appears to be a shoo-in,” Mr. Leno said, adding: “How discouraging is that?”

“It’s not discouraging,” Mr. Obama replied.

“A little bit?” Mr. Leno asked.

“Hillary is not the first politician in Washington to declare mission accomplished a little too soon,” Mr. Obama said, the crowd laughing and applauding.

See, that's why I can't help but love Obama, even though I'm leaning towards supporting Hillary.

++ Guiliana's conservative support tenuous.

++ Time has a feature on Blackwater entitled America's other army.

++ Newsweek has a feature on Blackwater's founder Erik Prince.

++ I posted about this last night, but in case you missed it, Bush declares that he remains relevant. PATHETIC.

++ Bush threatens WWIII over nuclear Iran. Meep.

++ Interesting article on the causes of diabetes.

++ Birth control allowed for Maine middle schoolers. o.0

++ People like this still exist? Gah.

++ Jonathan Alter on Before we bomb Iran.

++ Bush hits new record low approval rating - 22% - but Congress has an 11% approval rating too. Yech.

++ Clinton trouncing Obama among black women.

++ Stephen Colbert is running for President in South Carolina as a native son; Can he actually get on the ballot?

++ Sources say Republican Hastert won't finish his term.

++ Majority of Americans support SCHIP veto override.

++ Feministe asks whether outlawing abortion actually leads to decreased abortions.

++ Daily outrage: Rape survivor denied treatment because she "appeared intoxicated".

++ Finally, Pandagon looks at the growing crisis of sexual addiction among Christian women and links to this site talking about why masturbation is a sin.

The real issue you have to come to grips with is whether or not you believe masturbation is sinful. It sounds as if you already have been convicted about your habit but are looking for a way to hold onto it. I won’t take the time to explain my reasoning here, but I will briefly mention the reasons why I believe masturbation is sinful:

• Sexuality was not created for personal enjoyment but as a way to express love to one’s mate.
• Masturbation is self-centered behavior.
• Jesus expressly calls His followers to deny themselves.
• Masturbation is driven by lust and fantasy.
• Masturbation causes a person to isolate from others.
• Masturbation is controlling.
• Masturbation causes feelings of guilt and shame-clear signs of its wrongness.
• Masturbation opens the door to other sexual sin.

Oh, sweet Jesus. And it also makes you go blind! *headdesk*

hillary clinton, elections:2008, barack obama, headlines, feminism, sex

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