Woo and Hoo!

Oct 12, 2007 11:58

Al Gore has won the Nobel Peace Prize (sharing it with the IPCC). This is excellent for two reasons: one, the further affirmation and momentum it gives to the importance of fighting global climate change; and two, the fact that the wingnuts are probably gnawing their own faces off this morning, both because it's Gore and because it's global ( Read more... )

democrats:al gore, environment, global warming

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coolred October 12 2007, 20:18:30 UTC
Since I'm German I won't comment on English grammar...

I was very pleased when they announced that Al Gore had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

I believe he shouldn't and won't run because he has everything to lose. He is now (whiney Republican sulkiness and denial aside) at the very top of his popularity and credibility. And I don't think that he wants to return to the tactical game that is a presidential race or day-to-day White House politics. He would have to deal with all these unpleasant issues like abortion, health care, taxes, the war in Iraq, the tension in the relations to Iran etc. The list is endless and therefore environmental issues would have to take a backseat. If he stays outside the White House he will be able to achieve more in his fight against global warming because he will be able to focus on this issue without having to be considerate of political expediency with respect to other political issues or plans the administration might have. This is also the main reason why I believe he won't even consider a cabinet position. And can you really imagine him working as a part of President Hillary's cabinet or her offering him such position?

I hope he will endorse Edwards. That would make the race way more interesting...


thisficklemob October 12 2007, 20:41:07 UTC
This is also the main reason why I believe he won't even consider a cabinet position.

Perhaps, although I could see him being given a fair amount of leeway to advocate, even if President Whoever didn't do what he said. Actually, it might be useful for a president to have a guy like him making recommendations they didn't intend to follow; it'd give them some cover to take smaller steps and look reasonable. I don't know enough about how he and Hillary interact to know if they'd have any interest in working together.

I like Edwards too, and I'd love him to get a high-profile endorsement like that, but if Gore's not gonna get in it himself, it might be better for him to just stay out of it, at the least until there's a nominee. Plus, he was Hillary's husband's Veep; even if he prefers Edwards, I'm not sure he'd want to alienate the Clinton's by endorsing someone else... especially if Hillary did go on to become President. (Oddly, I think they'd forgive the self-interest of running himself more easily than the perceived disloyalty of endorsing someone else.)


ext_4728 October 12 2007, 21:26:11 UTC
Off topic, icon love!


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