Did you hear about that B-52 "accidentally" carrying nukes from one base to another today? Yeah, I didn't pay it much mind, until I saw
this commentary on TPM Cafe (
via Digbysblog) and went, OH SHIT:
And how does someone watching a B-52 land identify the cruise missiles as nukes? It just does not make sense
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You know, they've made footage from right after the Atomic Bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki into a documentary, White Light Black Rain. I really really don't want to see it. I have been to the Hiroshima Museum in Hiroshima.
But there are people I think really need to see it, starting with the Bushies, going through all the media people who called Obama stating he wouldn't nuke camps (camps) a gaffe, and ending with the "nuke the bastards" wingnuts.
As a very small silver lining, if this was a leak, at least that means there are military people out there still pushing away from the insanity...
a song called "Danger" is playing, how apropos....
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