I'm 2 Days Late Mentioning This

Feb 16, 2007 14:59

... but how awesome is this news?
NEW YORK - Stephen Colbert may have no taste for the truth, but he does have a sweet tooth. Ben & Jerry's has named a new ice cream in honor of the comedian: "Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream."

It's vanilla ice cream with fudge-covered waffle cone pieces and caramel.

Announcing the new flavor Wednesday, Ben & Jerry's called it: "The sweet taste of liberty in your mouth."

The Vermont-based ice-cream maker is known for naming its flavors after people such as Jerry Garcia, Wavy Gravy and the band Phish - which Colbert sees as a political bias.

"I'm not afraid to say it. Dessert has a well-known liberal agenda," Colbert said in a statement. "What I hope to do with this ice cream is bring some balance back to the freezer case."


I suppose now Fox News is going to come up with a conservative ice cream to balance this out.

ETA: OMG TOO LATE. What the fuck?!? Oh, "Smaller Govern-mint" and "I Hate The French Vanilla", that's SO FUCKING CLEVER.


stephen colbert, conservative fuckheads

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