the SOTU address - and I really can't blame you - BBC already has a bunch of
excerpts of the speech up and ready to eyeroll over.
Here's a couiple more headlines to mull over while we wait for the SOTU address...
Teagan Goddard makes me giggle:
A new Newsweek poll says George W. Bush is unpopular. Very unpopular. The new Washington Post and ABC News survey says that George W. Bush is really, really unpopular. An even newer NBC and the Wall Street Journal poll says that the President is, well, truly, really, very unpopular. And not to be outdone, a hot-off-the-presses CNN poll says that the President is -- you guessed it -- quite, very, truly, without a doubt unpopular.
Well, it's true!
++ Grstmall on
SOTU 2007: What to expect and how much of a failure Bush has become.
Journalists have become the "enemy within" under this administration.
Feministing learned a lot from the Blogs4Life conference, but she learned more from their photos and captions. Heh.
"Smoking gun" report to say global warming is here and destined to get much worse.
++ Eugene Robinson has a column about
blogs & campaign sites for the 2008 Democratic contenders, namely Hillary, Edwards and Obama.
++ Op-ed which argues
Hillary is the Democrats' best shot.
++ Finally,
twistedchick, one of the people that got me into newsblogging in the first place, has a new community,
freespeechzone. Go forth and join it!