This is a couple days old, but I just found out about it, so I'm posted now. *looks sheepish*
As Violence Escalates in Iraq, Hillary Holds Press Conference on Violent Video Games.
Hot on the heels of the release of the Iraq Study Group Report -- and a day in which
10 U.S. servicemen were killed and
at least 84 Iraqis were blown up or shot -- prospective presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will join with Joe Lieberman to hold a press conference today at 3 pm ET
to announce the launch of a television PSA campaign about... video game ratings.
Oh. My. God.
The violence in Iraq is becoming more savage by the minute -- among the dead yesterday were 45 bullet-riddled corpses found in Baghdad, many of whom had been tortured before being executed -- and Hillary is worried about video game violence? Are you kidding me?
Could she be any more politically tone deaf?
::whimpers:: Hillary, why must you make the Baby Luna cry?!?
Personally, I find the violence levels in video games deplorable, but I'm much more concerned about REAL PEOPLE being tortured, blown up by IED's, shot dead in the streets, etc. C'mon Hillary, get your fucking priorities straight.