well, they tried to steal it, anyway...

Nov 20, 2006 19:54

According to Mark Crispin Miller, NYU professor and author of Fooled Again:

This new report is crucial reading for all those concerned about election fraud--which, last Tuesday, was, again, a massive problem, notwithstanding all the blithe post-mortems issued by the US press from Tuesday night on through the week...

Now here's some startling evidence of widespread fraud, assembled by my good friends at the Election Defense Alliance. It's likely that the Dems actually did win, or should have won, some 50 House seats--and that Bush/Cheney's GOP was not just "thumped" but devastated.

Read about the Election Defense Alliance's report here. It boils down to exit polling being "off" the official counts, by a statistically unlikely amount. (Until the exit polling was "adjusted" in unsupportable ways in order to match the official counts.) It indicates the fix was in, before events swung the momentum even further towards the Democrats.

Here's a general rundown of the problems voters had in the 2006 elections.

Conclusion: we need to fix this, or they will.

On the up side: for those of us without HBO, TruthDig has the documentary Hacking Democracy in its entirety up at their site.

voting, elections:2006

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