*Yawns* It's a cold and overcast day in my fair DC suburb, and all I want to do is go back to bed. Sadly, I have to go to work today. Alas! But here, have some links before I leave.
John McCain would support overturning Roe v. Wade. Moderate MY ASS.
Kissinger: Iraq Military Win Impossible. Thanks for telling us NOW, idiot.
Fox News preparing a right wing Daily Show. Oh lord.
Democrats to push pocketbook issues.
Why haven't we stopped the Darfur genocide? More to the point, why hasn't the Bush administration, which claims to want to help, done anything to stop the Darfur genocide?
Embittered insiders turn against Bush. Poor guy has NO FRIENDS anymore! *plays worlds' tiniest violin*
++ Can viewers accept
gay actors as straight romantic leads? We're getting closer.
Mitt Romney grandstands for religious conservatives before his ouster in January. Grrrr.
++ Dear John Kerry:
you will NEVER be president. Give it up already. No love, Luna.
"Wish lists" for liberal advocacy groups.
Chuck Rangel wants the draft reinstated. I see his point - that military service needs to be shared equally among the rich and middle class - but... GAH.
Gas is rising again. Well lookit that, right after the elections! WHAT ARE THE ODDS.