Monday Morning Headlines

Nov 20, 2006 06:56

*Yawns* It's a cold and overcast day in my fair DC suburb, and all I want to do is go back to bed. Sadly, I have to go to work today. Alas! But here, have some links before I leave.

++ John McCain would support overturning Roe v. Wade. Moderate MY ASS.

++ Kissinger: Iraq Military Win Impossible. Thanks for telling us NOW, idiot.

++ Fox News preparing a right wing Daily Show. Oh lord.

++ Democrats to push pocketbook issues.

++ Why haven't we stopped the Darfur genocide? More to the point, why hasn't the Bush administration, which claims to want to help, done anything to stop the Darfur genocide?

++ Embittered insiders turn against Bush. Poor guy has NO FRIENDS anymore! *plays worlds' tiniest violin*

++ Can viewers accept gay actors as straight romantic leads? We're getting closer.

++ Mitt Romney grandstands for religious conservatives before his ouster in January. Grrrr.

++ Dear John Kerry: you will NEVER be president. Give it up already. No love, Luna.

++ "Wish lists" for liberal advocacy groups.

++ Chuck Rangel wants the draft reinstated. I see his point - that military service needs to be shared equally among the rich and middle class - but... GAH.

++ Gas is rising again. Well lookit that, right after the elections! WHAT ARE THE ODDS.


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