It's election eve.

Nov 06, 2006 23:27

You know what to do.

In case you have trouble tomorrow, here are some tips on what to do if you have trouble voting. Among the recommendations: bring multiple forms of ID, if your name doesn't appear cast a provisional ballot, and bring a video camera to document the atrocities.

Ok, that last one was mine. twistedchick reminds us that you can also call 1-866-OUR-VOTE.

BradBlog has finally obtained the original Maryland "Risk Assessment Report", the "Pentagon Papers" of electronic voting machines. (You can read more about the report on BradBlog, if you can stomach the site design.)

Vote, and get others to vote. It's the only chance to overcome the sure-to-be widespread suppression and fraud.

Zhen, vhen eet ees over, vee keel ze meeserable fahks.

No, wait, scratch that.

If you talk to anyone tomorrow who still thinks Bush is better for the nation's security, just ask them why his administration put plans to build a nuclear bomb, in Arabic, on the web.

I know I don't have to tell you guys to watch The Daily Show, but... Ted Haggard, our favorite "sex row preacher" is the one featured in the movie Jesus Camp?! *dies* How did I not know this?

voting, elections:2006, scandals

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