It's official.

Oct 17, 2006 22:36

Bush signed the Military Commissions Law today. Now Bush can hold people without charge, try them without letting them see the evidence, and have the final word on what counts as torture. (Hint: "If the President doesallows it, it's legal.")

I find myself without anything to say. Thankfully, others aren't similarly affected.

Glenn Greenwald: "The Deceitful Ritual of the 'independent GOP Senator'".
Balkinization: No signing statement, and a transcript of Tony Snow's press conference about it.
Majikthise: "Damned right they can keep you forever".

A Kos diarist has a good overview of the bad in "Habeas Corpus Dead with nary a whimper", including how our secret detentions violate international law.

torture, tony snow, republicans, human rights

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