You're kidding. (It can, indeed, get worse for the GOP.)

Oct 13, 2006 15:39

When I said the circle of the damned (by knowledge of Mark Foley) had spread to Rep. Kolbe (R-AZ), I didn't know how right I was.

Via AmericaBlog: Rep. Kolbe is under federal investigation for camping trips with pages where his behavior was said to be "inappropriate": (NBC News):

Federal prosecutors in Arizona have opened a preliminary investigation of a camping trip Congressman Jim Kolbe, R-Ariz., took 10 years ago that included two teenage congressional pages, a Justice Department spokesman told NBC News.

Hey, gay Republicans in Congress: Stop chasing underage tail! You're making us queers look bad.

Hypothesis: All gay Republicans are chickenhawks1 of one kind or another. Discuss.

Also at AmericaBlog, what did Bush know about Foley, and when did he know it? The media should ask that, instead of making shit up about Democrats. (Btw, according to Harper's, they received the Foley emails from a Democratic staffer (who was probably given them by a Republican staffer) over a year ago. So much for the accusations about the timing of this scandal.) And Why is Ney (R), who's now pleaded guilty to taking bribes, still in Congress? FDL has more on the Abramoff scandal fallout. Let's hope it takes down Grover "drown the federal government in a bathtub" Norquist.

1 Used to describe a vociferously pro-war person who never served in the military himself, despite ample wartime opportunity. Also a term for an older gay man who pursues teenagers/young gay men.

republicans, scandals:predatorgate, scandals:abramoff, congress

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