Stuff I read this hot & muggy Sunday afternoon...
Lieberman's eroding base.
++ NYT
endorses Ned Lamont! Woah.
Marine dad sues anti-gay "church".
++ Incredibly disturbing look at Stephen Green, the 21 year old soldier who raped a 14 year old girl, then murdered her & her family:
"I came over here because I wanted to kill people". More from
++ A look at
Gay Blog Hell! from Sadly No. Read the entire thing, especially the comments.
The secretive fight against bioterror.
Melting glaciers in Peru signals water crisis.
John McCain's youngest son joins Marines.
Challenging the ruse of "Intelligent Design".
Current negetivism on Iraq echoes view of Vietnam War in 1970.
Evangelicals are fighting back against being identified solely with the Republican right.