Various & Sundry

Jul 30, 2006 15:43

Stuff I read this hot & muggy Sunday afternoon...

++ Lieberman's eroding base.

++ NYT endorses Ned Lamont! Woah.

++ Marine dad sues anti-gay "church".

++ Incredibly disturbing look at Stephen Green, the 21 year old soldier who raped a 14 year old girl, then murdered her & her family: "I came over here because I wanted to kill people". More from Newsweek.

++ A look at Gay Blog Hell! from Sadly No. Read the entire thing, especially the comments.

++ The secretive fight against bioterror.

++ Melting glaciers in Peru signals water crisis.

++ John McCain's youngest son joins Marines.

++ Challenging the ruse of "Intelligent Design".

++ Current negetivism on Iraq echoes view of Vietnam War in 1970.

++ Evangelicals are fighting back against being identified solely with the Republican right.

elections:2006, headlines

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