Congressman Murtha is getting kickass enough that I think it may be time for him to stop flying in small aircraft.
Reid vows to stop future congressional pay raises until congress rasies the minimum wage. Seems fair. After all, they've had "cost of living" pay increases amounting to $31,600 in the last nine years. That's pay increases. Someone who works full time 52 weeks a year at minimum wage now earns $10,712. After the increase, they'd earn $15,080. That would still be less than half of those raises.
'Breathtaking' Waste and Fraud in Hurricane Aid, to the tune of $2 billion.
The power of one... to steal an election. USA Today reports
the vulnerable electronic voting machines are all over. *sigh* President Obama had such a nice ring, didn't it? Too bad we're looking at President Jeb.
The FDA has been slacking on enforcing drug safety under Bush.
Remember how the Republicans were blasting Democrats for calling for an Iraq withdrawal last week? And remember how this got ignored when General Casey introduced his own withdrawal plan? Turns out the
Republicans knew about Casey's plan all along. Apparently they have no actual position on Iraq, other than it's a good opportunity to call Democrats cowards.
D.C. Simpson Iraq cartoon. The sad part is, it's true.
A vote on Net Neutrality in the Commerce Committee is likely today.
Call your senator and ask him/her to support the Snowe-Dorgan Net Neutrality Amendement. If you don't know what this is about, it has to do with whether your internet service provider can decide what websites you can see, and how fast they load. It would be a pay-for-play situation where big companies would pay to have their sites load faster, and everybody else would be hosed. This
FAQ explains some of the details.
Have you signed PFAW's petition to save the Voting Rights Act yet? (The Voting Rights Act is up for renewal, and it's the spiffy piece of legislation that says you can't try to stop people from voting based on race. The Republicans would love for it to expire, because their use of "caging lists", used to challenge voters with "fraudulent addresses", violates it.)
That's it for me, I'll be travelling and offline until tomorrow. Hope it's a slow news day. *g*