Tony Snow: We're Protecting Your Right to Hate Gays

Jun 05, 2006 15:13

AmericaBlog: Tony Snow calls anti-gay marriage amendment "civil rights legislation".

What the bleeding fuck? ... Look, they're making me swear in British. Wankers.

What's next? A congressional resolution honoring the "contributions" of Governor George Wallace in the name of "cultural sensitivity"?

It's illustrative of a recurring theme in conservative politics, though. (No, not the one about Orwellian doublespeak. Although, that too.) Bigots, usually religiously insane, who think their rights are being violated because other people exist. "Look! It's a homo, and no one's spitting on it! I'M BEING OPPRESSED!" ("I'm not being allowed to force others to participate in my religion! I'm being oppressed!" "Those nasty universities let people disagree with me! I'm being oppressed!" Etc.)

AmericaBlog is asking people to call Senators and Represenatives in favor of the amendment (or those who voted for it last time around) to question them about their own shortcomings in living out a traditional marriage. If they're divorced and remarried, they're adulterers. If they participate in oral sex, they're sodomites. Etc.

Finally, for your amusement, a little song about the gay marriage shuffle, set to "Fever". The rhyming's iffy, but the overall effect is funny. And it's got a rather frightening photomanip. Tom DeLay, stop checking out Orrin Hatch's package!

blogosphere, gay, conservative fuckheads

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