++ The Senate just
voted English the "national language" of the U.S. - which, what was the point of that, exactly? Total symbolic gesture trying to appease the MinuteKlan conservative base. Whatever.
++ According to Dennis Hastert, if you
make less than $40k a year, you don't pay taxes. See the
video here. So I guess the FICA guy has been unfairly singling me out since I was 17?
Reality & Bushlandia! Hee.
Giuliani Campaigns for Ex-Leader of Christian Coalition, the loathesome Ralph Reed. Moderate MY ASS.
Solution or Distraction? An Ethanol Reality Check.
++ A Baltimore father asks,
'Why did my son die in vain?' in Iraq. Heartbreaking.
++ This is nice and disturbing:
Lawmaker says Marines killed Iraqis 'in cold blood'. The more I hear about the atrocities in Iraq, the more my stomach turns.
Liberal Wrath in Connecticut!
America The Hated: "A new survey of some 91,000 people in 50 countries shows that whatever goodwill America had after 9/11 has completely evaporated." Sigh.
++ The Republican governor of Maryland
sicced the IRS on NAACP. I can't wait to see how Michael Steele tries to wiggle out of this one.
++ Wow,
Tony Snow is a dick.
These fake ads from fake companies will probably just give Al Gore's movie more free publicity.