Jobs Americans Won't Do

May 18, 2006 18:00

From today's LA Times: A Job Americans Won't Do, Even at $34 an Hour
Cyndi Smallwood is looking for a few strong men for her landscaping company. Guys with no fear of a hot sun, who can shovel dirt all day long. She'll pay as much as $34 an hour.

She can't find them.

Maybe potential employees don't know about her tiny Riverside firm. Maybe the problem is Southern California's solid economy and low unemployment rate. Or maybe manual labor is something that many Americans couldn't dream of doing.

"I'm baffled why more people do not apply," Smallwood says.

President Bush is not. In his speech to the nation Monday night, he referred to "jobs Americans are not doing," echoing a point he has been making for years. To fill these spurned jobs and keep the economy humming, Bush says, the U.S. needs a guest worker program.

Otherwise, the logic goes, fruit will rot in the fields, offices will overflow with trash and lawns and parks will revert to desert.

Native-born Americans have become too fat, too lazy and too self-important to do this kind of hard labor. I know it seems like "if the employers just paid more, everything would work itself out!", but in reality? Not so much.

Would YOU go do hard, back-breaking manual labor, even for higher pay? I mean, if you had other options like an office job that paid less, but didn't require you to be out in the hot sun 12 hours a day? I know I wouldn't do it.

I can't wait to see who they're gonna get to build this Great Wall of MexiAmerica, and if they really intend to do it with real documented American workers. Yeah right.


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