Another Cock Tease, or the Real Thing?

May 11, 2006 17:34

From today's WaPo: Will DC FINALLY get representation in Congress?
Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) teamed up with Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (R-Va.) today to introduce a bill that would for the first time give the District a full vote in the House, a sign of bipartisan cooperation that advocates of D.C. voting rights hailed as a breakthrough.

The legislation, which was unveiled at a news conference this morning on Capitol Hill, would expand the House from 435 to 437 seats, giving a vote to the District as well as a fourth seat to Utah, the state next in line to enlarge its congressional delegation based on the 2000 Census.

Davis first introduced a version of the bill two years ago, but he struggled to persuade Norton and House Democrats to support it. "The reason we've reached consensus is because this plan is partisan-neutral, freeing us to do the right thing," Davis said at the news conference.

Since this particular bill has been around for 2 years, I'm not getting excited until I hear ABSOLUTELY FOR SURE that DC residents will finally, finally get representation along with their taxation.

But a lot of people seem to think this is the real thing. From DC Vote:

"We are on the brink of a major voting rights victory," said DC Vote Executive Director Ilir Zherka. "DC Vote has dedicated long hours and tireless efforts to see movement on a voting rights bill, and today we celebrate with our coalition partners as we take one step closer to bringing democracy to America's capital."

DC Vote urges a swift mark-up in committee and action by Congress. Americans must raise their voices to help encourage Congress to bring this important issue to the forefront.

"We call on Washingtonians to rise up," said Zherka. "We are the closest we have ever been to voting representation in Congress, and DC residents should be shouting from the rooftops and engaging friends across the country to make this critical bill a law."

And I had to laugh at DCist's response:
Honestly, at this point, we're ready to offer Marion Barry up for symbolic sacrifice to get Congress to move on anything resembling voting rights.

Hee! Not really sure if a Barry sacrifice would do much good these days, but it's the thought that counts. ;)

dc, congress

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