Swiftboating Has Begun in Virginia

Apr 30, 2006 12:32

Fucking George Allen.
Regardless, Webb's campaign has decided to "take the high road", which perhaps might be admirable in politics. Unfortunately for him, Allen has no such compulsions of dragging Webb into the mud. From a direct mail piece currently hitting the mailboxes of registered Republicans in Virginia:
the bottom line: my reelection effort could be the most costly campaign in Virginia's History. My first election to the US Senate cost me nearly $10 million. To beat a wealthy self-financed liberal, i will have to raise twice that amount, perhaps $20 million.

Your gift will send a loud and clear message to liberal Democrats across the nation ... to Jane Fonda to Howard Dean, and to the Clinton political machine...that you stand behind me.

First of all, Webb isn't a self-funder type. But aside from that, the use of "Jane Fonda" in a mailer targetting a decorated Vietnam War Vet, a former Secretary of the Navy under the Reagan administration, and the author of what's widely held as the best book about Vietnam (as conservative George Will wrote in his last column), is quite simply the latest Republican effort to denigrate the military service of yet another American hero.

Gah, how do these people keep doing this OVER AND OVER AGAIN, and no one holds them accountable? I really want to hit something right now.

More from Raising Kaine.

virginia, elections:2006, democrats:jim webb, george allen

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