From Think Progress

Apr 20, 2006 06:33

Fox News Anchor (and possible McClellan replacement) seems to think high gas prices are the result of "people complaining about Donald Rumsfeld". Oh man, there is *nothing* that isn't the fault of liberals!

Also, Dan Barlett said yesterday, ‘No One Ever Said The War Would Result In Cheaper Gas Prices’. Except, someone totally did.

As Matthews noted later in the broadcast, Laurence Lindsey - President Bush’s senior economic advisor at the time - argued in 2002 that the Iraq war would increase oil supplies and lower prices. From the Washington Times, 9/19/02:
As for the impact of a war with Iraq, “It depends how the war goes.” But he quickly adds that that “Under every plausible scenario, the negative effect will be quite small relative to the economic benefits that would come from a successful prosecution of the war.”

“The key issue is oil, and a regime change in Iraq would facilitate an increase in world oil,” which would drive down oil prices, giving the U.S. economy an added boost.

Bartlett is a talented spinmeister but facts are stubborn things.



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