When Will They Learn?

Apr 15, 2006 18:12

You know, I actually get along with social conservatives better than many liberals. They might be deluded and think I'm going to hell for my sinful lifestyle, but in general? Most of them honestly care about their fellow man and believe they're doing the right thing.

But when I read stuff like this AP story, I just want to shake my socially conservative friends hard.
Protection of marriage amendment? Check. Anti-flag burning legislation? Check. New abortion limits? Check.

Between now and the November elections, Republicans are penciling in plans to take action on social issues important to religious conservatives, the foundation of the GOP base, as they defend their congressional majority.

In a year where an unpopular war in Iraq has helped drive President Bush's approval ratings below 40 percent, core conservatives whose turnout in November is vital to the party want assurances that they are not being taken for granted.

"It seems like for only six months, every two years - right around election time - that we're even noticed," said Tom McClusky of the Family Research Council."

And guess what? It ain't gonna be any different this time around either. The Republicans are going to talk about passing a couple bills on abortion, immigration, gay marriage, stem cells, etc - and then as soon as they get re-elected, they'll go back to giving themselves higher tax cuts, deregulating more industries, getting rid of Medicaid, and so on. Hey, how's that Marriage Protection Amendment to the constitution coming along? Uh huh.

Remember the 2004 election? It was a solid year of hearing about gay marriage and other social issues. And then like a week after the inauguration, it was all about killing social security and passing thru more tax cuts. That's not what John & Jane Social Conservative were voting for, but that's what they got.

elections:2006, republicans, red states

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