Belated 2005 Review Links, and Happy Blogoversary to Me!

Jan 02, 2006 17:18

Well, tomorrow the holidays are officially over, and it's back to work & the drudgery of real life again. *cries*

I know I should have done this yesterday, but consider this fashionably late... my favorite "2005 in Review" articles/blog posts!

++ Wikipedia's 2005 Page

++ Washington Post's Year in Review collection, including their best photos, Mark Leibovich's favorite quotations, and Dave Barry's hilarious observations.

++ The Year in Bad News, because I'm depressing like that.

++ The Fix Grades White House hopefuls' 2005 - Mark Warner had the best year, and Bill Frist had the worst.

++ Just for fun: BBC's 100 Things We Didn't Know Last Year.

++ Everyone has seen this by now, but in case you missed it: Bush Elected President of Iraq! and other top stories of 2005 from The Onion. I'm especially partial to #9, "White House Celebrates 5th Straight Year Without Oral Sex". Heheheheheh.

++ Not really political or newsy, but useful nonetheless:'s Best Links of 2005 and Best of the Rest; Download Squad's Best Web Moments of 2005; WSJ's Best Web 2.0 Software of 2005; Best LifeHacks of 2005

In other news, I just realized the one year anniversary of this blog passed by yesterday. Awww! I can't believe it's been that long. Let's look back at my very first post, in which I posted some unbelievable accurate "Bush is gonna fuck up in 2005" political cartoons, and bitched about a supposedly brilliant Kevin Smith movie:
Ugh, Chasing Amy is on HBO. Why do I always have to slow the remote down and attempt to make sense of this movie? This is the movie that made me loathe Ben Affleck for all of eternity. Of course, it didn't help that I saw the movie with my first out-of-the-closet friend from high school, a stereotypical agenda-of-hate dyke who walked out of the theater several times.

Banky: All every woman really wants, be it mother, senator, nun, is some serious deep-dickin'.

You know, this is listed as a favorite movie quote over on Lovely. Didn't they see Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back? Where we learn once & for all that Banky is the gayest gay that ever gayed?

Now I'm getting all verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves!

2005, admin, headlines

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