rock the fuck on

Dec 30, 2005 00:33

Once again John Conyers makes a play to be my favorite member of Congress: he's introduced three resolutions that could lead to the impeachment of Bush and Cheney.

If these resolutions are going to go anywhere, as that commentator says, we need to build public pressure... I figure telling your representative you support Conyers' resolutions is a good start. For more on the latest Bush high crimes and misdemeanors, and how to bring them to light, visit (aka

I have to admit, I've been iffy on the whole impeachment thing. First off, it's not going to happen as long as Republicans control the House... although I have high hopes for 2006. But second, I feel like it'll only make the fanatically delusional all the more certain that he's the victim of the Ev0l Liberal Media. Which is in itself enough to make me weep... like, dude, if you only knew the extent to which they're covering for his neo-imperialist never-elected ass. But on some level I'd rather make him deal with his own mess, so that by the end of his term he's completely and utterly discredited.

And then I think... look at what he's done... to our security, women's rights, the environment, our status in the world... in five years. Is it really worth another three years of this just to drive home the point?

Then there's the part of me that says, look, if lying about a blowjob results in impeachment, but lying us into war, dismantling and ignoring the Constitution, and attempting to assume kingly powers doesn't, then the world has officially been fucked up beyond recognition, and all there is to do is hole up somewhere and drink heavily. And I don't want to do that.

It's like the Ironic Times points out in this week's news quiz...

Between 1997 and 2002, the Government Reform Committee of the House issued 1,052 subpoenas to investigate the Clinton Administration. So far it has issued how many subpoenas to investigate the Bush Administration?

The answer is 3. Three. Fucking THREE.

Impeach his ass, or drink heavily. I'd prefer option A.

scandals:snoopgate, democrats:john conyers, president asshat

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